What was once a very enjoyable, fairly balanced game, has been reduced to a blatant cash grab.
Last update was around June of 2014. Numerous issues persist. Seriously imbalanced teams. Credit farming. People quitting battles to deny victory points and save on repair costs. Tanks YOU paid for being "adjusted" by the Devs after you own them because they were doing too well. Artillery seeing and killing you with impossible shots just seconds into a match even though you cant see them. Even something seemingly as simple as a garage screen flickering glitch has been going on for over a year now and no one in charge even bothers to reply to questions in the forums any more.
About $200 USD to buy and level up a "Gold" tier tank that you cant even get into matches with?
Why anyone is wasting even one penny on this POS is beyond me.
I guess GI has milked this cow to its potential and has moved on.
Flea Hunter about Tank Domination